Tools for managing and interacting with Grafana dashboards and data sources
Tool | Description | Version | Type |
OrgManagementTool | Perform various operations related to Grafana organizations including: - get_current: Get current organization information - update_current: Update current organization - get_users: Get users in the current organization - add_user: Add a user to the current organization - update_user: Update a user's role in the current organization - delete_user: Remove a user from the current organization - get_preferences: Get organization preferences - update_preferences: Update organization preferences - list_orgs: List all organizations (requires admin) - get_org: Get a specific organization by ID (requires admin) - create_org: Create a new organization (requires admin) - update_org: Update an organization (requires admin) - delete_org: Delete an organization (requires admin) | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
TeamManagementTool | Perform various operations related to Grafana teams including: - search: Search for teams with filtering and pagination - get: Get a specific team by ID - create: Create a new team - update: Update an existing team - delete: Delete a team - get_members: Get members of a team - add_member: Add a user to a team - remove_member: Remove a user from a team | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
AlertManagementTool | Perform various operations related to Grafana alerting including: - get_rules: Get all alert rules - get_rule: Get a specific alert rule by UID - create_rule: Create a new alert rule - update_rule: Update an existing alert rule - delete_rule: Delete an alert rule - get_rule_group: Get an alert rule group - get_contact_points: Get all contact points - create_contact_point: Create a new contact point - update_contact_point: Update an existing contact point - delete_contact_point: Delete a contact point - get_notification_policies: Get the notification policy tree - update_notification_policies: Update the notification policy tree - get_mute_timings: Get all mute timings - get_mute_timing: Get a specific mute timing - create_mute_timing: Create a new mute timing - delete_mute_timing: Delete a mute timing | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
AnnotationManagementTool | Perform various operations related to Grafana annotations including: - get: Get annotations with filtering options - create: Create a new annotation - update: Update an existing annotation - delete: Delete an annotation | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
MiscManagementTool | Perform various miscellaneous operations in Grafana including: - get_health: Check Grafana health status - create_snapshot: Create a dashboard snapshot - get_snapshot: Get a dashboard snapshot - delete_snapshot: Delete a dashboard snapshot - get_playlists: Get all playlists - get_playlist: Get a specific playlist - create_playlist: Create a new playlist - update_playlist: Update an existing playlist - delete_playlist: Delete a playlist | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
DashboardManagementTool | Perform various operations on Grafana dashboards including: - search: Search for dashboards with filtering and pagination - get: Retrieve a specific dashboard by UID - create/update: Create a new dashboard or update an existing one - delete: Delete a dashboard by UID - get_versions: List all versions of a dashboard - get_version: Retrieve a specific version of a dashboard - restore_version: Restore a dashboard to a previous version - get_permissions: Get dashboard permissions - update_permissions: Update dashboard permissions - calculate_diff: Calculate difference between dashboard versions | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
FolderManagementTool | Perform various operations on Grafana folders including: - list: Get all folders with filtering and pagination - get: Retrieve a specific folder by UID - create: Create a new folder - update: Update an existing folder - delete: Delete a folder by UID - get_permissions: Get folder permissions - update_permissions: Update folder permissions | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
DataSourceManagementTool | Perform various operations on Grafana data sources including: - list: Get all data sources - get: Retrieve a specific data source by UID - get_by_name: Retrieve a specific data source by name - create: Create a new data source - update: Update an existing data source - delete: Delete a data source by UID - test: Test a data source connection - query: Execute a query against a data source | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
UserManagementTool | Perform various operations related to Grafana users including: - get_current: Get current authenticated user information - update_current: Update current authenticated user information - get_orgs: Get organizations for the current user - switch_org: Switch the current user to a different organization - get_teams: Get teams the current user belongs to - get_preferences: Get user preferences - update_preferences: Update user preferences - list_users: List/search all users (requires admin) - get_user: Get a specific user by ID (requires admin) - create_user: Create a new user (requires admin) - update_user: Update a user (requires admin) - delete_user: Delete a user (requires admin) - enable_user/disable_user: Enable or disable a user account (requires admin) - update_password: Update a user's password (requires admin) | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
Perform various operations related to Grafana organizations including: - get_current: Get current organization information - update_current: Update current organization - get_users: Get users in the current organization - add_user: Add a user to the current organization - update_user: Update a user's role in the current organization - delete_user: Remove a user from the current organization - get_preferences: Get organization preferences - update_preferences: Update organization preferences - list_orgs: List all organizations (requires admin) - get_org: Get a specific organization by ID (requires admin) - create_org: Create a new organization (requires admin) - update_org: Update an organization (requires admin) - delete_org: Delete an organization (requires admin)
Perform various operations related to Grafana teams including: - search: Search for teams with filtering and pagination - get: Get a specific team by ID - create: Create a new team - update: Update an existing team - delete: Delete a team - get_members: Get members of a team - add_member: Add a user to a team - remove_member: Remove a user from a team
Perform various operations related to Grafana alerting including: - get_rules: Get all alert rules - get_rule: Get a specific alert rule by UID - create_rule: Create a new alert rule - update_rule: Update an existing alert rule - delete_rule: Delete an alert rule - get_rule_group: Get an alert rule group - get_contact_points: Get all contact points - create_contact_point: Create a new contact point - update_contact_point: Update an existing contact point - delete_contact_point: Delete a contact point - get_notification_policies: Get the notification policy tree - update_notification_policies: Update the notification policy tree - get_mute_timings: Get all mute timings - get_mute_timing: Get a specific mute timing - create_mute_timing: Create a new mute timing - delete_mute_timing: Delete a mute timing
Perform various operations related to Grafana annotations including: - get: Get annotations with filtering options - create: Create a new annotation - update: Update an existing annotation - delete: Delete an annotation
Perform various miscellaneous operations in Grafana including: - get_health: Check Grafana health status - create_snapshot: Create a dashboard snapshot - get_snapshot: Get a dashboard snapshot - delete_snapshot: Delete a dashboard snapshot - get_playlists: Get all playlists - get_playlist: Get a specific playlist - create_playlist: Create a new playlist - update_playlist: Update an existing playlist - delete_playlist: Delete a playlist
Perform various operations on Grafana dashboards including: - search: Search for dashboards with filtering and pagination - get: Retrieve a specific dashboard by UID - create/update: Create a new dashboard or update an existing one - delete: Delete a dashboard by UID - get_versions: List all versions of a dashboard - get_version: Retrieve a specific version of a dashboard - restore_version: Restore a dashboard to a previous version - get_permissions: Get dashboard permissions - update_permissions: Update dashboard permissions - calculate_diff: Calculate difference between dashboard versions
Perform various operations on Grafana folders including: - list: Get all folders with filtering and pagination - get: Retrieve a specific folder by UID - create: Create a new folder - update: Update an existing folder - delete: Delete a folder by UID - get_permissions: Get folder permissions - update_permissions: Update folder permissions
Perform various operations on Grafana data sources including: - list: Get all data sources - get: Retrieve a specific data source by UID - get_by_name: Retrieve a specific data source by name - create: Create a new data source - update: Update an existing data source - delete: Delete a data source by UID - test: Test a data source connection - query: Execute a query against a data source
Perform various operations related to Grafana users including: - get_current: Get current authenticated user information - update_current: Update current authenticated user information - get_orgs: Get organizations for the current user - switch_org: Switch the current user to a different organization - get_teams: Get teams the current user belongs to - get_preferences: Get user preferences - update_preferences: Update user preferences - list_users: List/search all users (requires admin) - get_user: Get a specific user by ID (requires admin) - create_user: Create a new user (requires admin) - update_user: Update a user (requires admin) - delete_user: Delete a user (requires admin) - enable_user/disable_user: Enable or disable a user account (requires admin) - update_password: Update a user's password (requires admin)