Complete suite of tools for monitoring, querying, and managing Prometheus instances
Tool | Description | Version | Type |
AlertmanagersTool | Provides information about the Alertmanager instances known to Prometheus. Use this tool to verify the connection status between Prometheus and its Alertmanagers. Shows both active and dropped Alertmanager instances. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
AlertsTool | Retrieves all currently firing alerts in the Prometheus server. Use this tool to monitor the current alert state and identify ongoing issues. Returns details about alert names, labels, and when they started firing. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
BuildInfoTool | Retrieves information about how the Prometheus server was built. Use this tool to verify version information, build timestamps, and other compilation details. Helps confirm the version and build configuration of the running server. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
CleanTombstonesTool | Removes tombstone files created during Prometheus data deletion operations. Use this tool to maintain database cleanliness and recover storage space. Tombstones are markers for deleted data and can be safely removed after their retention period. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
CreateSnapshotTool | Creates a snapshot of the current Prometheus TSDB data. Use this tool for backup purposes or creating point-in-time copies of the data. You can optionally skip snapshotting the head block (latest, incomplete data). | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
DeleteSeriesTool | Deletes time series data matching specific criteria in Prometheus. Use this tool carefully to remove obsolete data or free up storage space. Deleted data cannot be recovered. You can specify time ranges and series selectors. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
LabelNamesTool | Retrieves all label names that are available in the Prometheus server. Use this tool to discover what dimensions are available for querying and filtering metrics. You can optionally filter by time range and series selectors. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
LabelValuesTool | Retrieves all possible values for a specific label name in Prometheus. Use this tool to understand the range of values a particular label can have. You can filter by time range and series selectors to narrow down the results. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
MetadataTool | Retrieves metadata for Prometheus metrics including help text and type information. Use this tool to understand what metrics mean and how they should be interpreted. You can filter by specific metric names and set limits on the number of results. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
QueryRangeTool | Executes time series queries over a specified time range in Prometheus. Use this tool for analyzing metric patterns, trends, and historical data. You can specify the time range, resolution (step), and timeout for the query. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
QueryTool | Executes instant queries against Prometheus to retrieve current metric values. Use this tool when you need to get the latest values of metrics or perform calculations on current data. The query must be a valid PromQL expression. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
RulesTool | Retrieves information about configured alerting and recording rules in Prometheus. Use this tool to understand what alerts are defined and what metrics are being pre-computed. You can filter rules by type, name, group, and other criteria. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
RuntimeInfoTool | Provides detailed information about the Prometheus server's runtime state. Use this tool to monitor server health and performance through details about garbage collection, memory usage, and other runtime metrics. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
SeriesQueryTool | Finds time series that match certain label selectors in Prometheus. Use this tool to discover which metrics exist and their label combinations. You can specify time ranges to limit the search scope and set a maximum number of results. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
StatusConfigTool | Retrieves the current configuration of the Prometheus server. Use this tool to view the complete runtime configuration including scrape configs, alert rules, and other settings. Helps verify the current server configuration state. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
StatusFlagsTool | Retrieves the current command-line flag values used by Prometheus. Use this tool to understand how the Prometheus server was started and what runtime options are enabled. Shows all configuration flags and their current values. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
TargetMetadataTool | Retrieves metadata about metrics exposed by specific Prometheus targets. Use this tool to understand metric types, help texts, and units. You can filter by target labels and specific metric names. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
TargetsTool | Provides information about all Prometheus scrape targets and their current state. Use this tool to monitor which targets are being scraped successfully and which are failing. You can filter targets by state (active/dropped) and scrape pool. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
TSDBStatusTool | Provides information about the time series database (TSDB) status in Prometheus. Use this tool to monitor database health through details about data storage, head blocks, WAL status, and other TSDB metrics. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
WALReplayTool | Retrieves the status of Write-Ahead Log (WAL) replay operations in Prometheus. Use this tool to monitor the progress of WAL replay during server startup or recovery. Helps track data durability and recovery progress. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
GeneratePromQLTool | GeneratePromQLTool generates PromQL queries from natural language descriptions. | v1.0.0 | Built-in MCP |
Provides information about the Alertmanager instances known to Prometheus. Use this tool to verify the connection status between Prometheus and its Alertmanagers. Shows both active and dropped Alertmanager instances.
Retrieves all currently firing alerts in the Prometheus server. Use this tool to monitor the current alert state and identify ongoing issues. Returns details about alert names, labels, and when they started firing.
Retrieves information about how the Prometheus server was built. Use this tool to verify version information, build timestamps, and other compilation details. Helps confirm the version and build configuration of the running server.
Removes tombstone files created during Prometheus data deletion operations. Use this tool to maintain database cleanliness and recover storage space. Tombstones are markers for deleted data and can be safely removed after their retention period.
Creates a snapshot of the current Prometheus TSDB data. Use this tool for backup purposes or creating point-in-time copies of the data. You can optionally skip snapshotting the head block (latest, incomplete data).
Deletes time series data matching specific criteria in Prometheus. Use this tool carefully to remove obsolete data or free up storage space. Deleted data cannot be recovered. You can specify time ranges and series selectors.
Retrieves all label names that are available in the Prometheus server. Use this tool to discover what dimensions are available for querying and filtering metrics. You can optionally filter by time range and series selectors.
Retrieves all possible values for a specific label name in Prometheus. Use this tool to understand the range of values a particular label can have. You can filter by time range and series selectors to narrow down the results.
Retrieves metadata for Prometheus metrics including help text and type information. Use this tool to understand what metrics mean and how they should be interpreted. You can filter by specific metric names and set limits on the number of results.
Executes time series queries over a specified time range in Prometheus. Use this tool for analyzing metric patterns, trends, and historical data. You can specify the time range, resolution (step), and timeout for the query.
Executes instant queries against Prometheus to retrieve current metric values. Use this tool when you need to get the latest values of metrics or perform calculations on current data. The query must be a valid PromQL expression.
Retrieves information about configured alerting and recording rules in Prometheus. Use this tool to understand what alerts are defined and what metrics are being pre-computed. You can filter rules by type, name, group, and other criteria.
Provides detailed information about the Prometheus server's runtime state. Use this tool to monitor server health and performance through details about garbage collection, memory usage, and other runtime metrics.
Finds time series that match certain label selectors in Prometheus. Use this tool to discover which metrics exist and their label combinations. You can specify time ranges to limit the search scope and set a maximum number of results.
Retrieves the current configuration of the Prometheus server. Use this tool to view the complete runtime configuration including scrape configs, alert rules, and other settings. Helps verify the current server configuration state.
Retrieves the current command-line flag values used by Prometheus. Use this tool to understand how the Prometheus server was started and what runtime options are enabled. Shows all configuration flags and their current values.
Retrieves metadata about metrics exposed by specific Prometheus targets. Use this tool to understand metric types, help texts, and units. You can filter by target labels and specific metric names.
Provides information about all Prometheus scrape targets and their current state. Use this tool to monitor which targets are being scraped successfully and which are failing. You can filter targets by state (active/dropped) and scrape pool.
Provides information about the time series database (TSDB) status in Prometheus. Use this tool to monitor database health through details about data storage, head blocks, WAL status, and other TSDB metrics.
Retrieves the status of Write-Ahead Log (WAL) replay operations in Prometheus. Use this tool to monitor the progress of WAL replay during server startup or recovery. Helps track data durability and recovery progress.
GeneratePromQLTool generates PromQL queries from natural language descriptions.