
Frequently Asked Questions

What's the best way to get started with kagent?

The best way to get started with kagent is to follow the quickstart guide. This will give you a basic understanding of how kagent works and how to use it.

What differentiates kagent from other LLM frameworks?

Kagent is special for a few core reasons:

  • Declarative: kagent is designed from the ground up to be declarative. You define the agents, tools, and instructions and kagent will take care of the rest. Most other frameworks are procedural and require you to write code to tell the LLM what to do.
  • Kubernetes Native: kagent is designed to be used in a Kubernetes environment, and integrates seamlessly with services already running in the cluster.
  • Easy To Use: kagent abstracts all of the "hard" parts of building an agent, so you can focus on connecting your business logic to the agent.

How do I report bugs or request features?

The best way to report bugs or request features is to create an issue on the GitHub repository.

How do I contribute to the kagent project?

The best way to contribute is to check out the contribution guide and submit a PR.